Well, say what you want about stimulus packages and "change" or whatever, but don't let any of this distract you from the much LARGER conspiracy that's going on right there in the White House.
In a recent story in the LA Times, it was reported that the Obamas had a bipartisan luncheon which was kicked off with CELERY SOUP.
One might say they just don't know any better. Is that it or is it something far more sinister? We'll be carefully monitoring the situation and will report back any new developments.
Stand strong, people!
Have you determined just how much of the stimulus package is earmarked for celery research and support? Probably way too much!
Even one dollar would be too much. There are celery industry insiders at work in Washington. Have you seen the article about the gross misallocation of federal funds for celery farmer weather bailouts? It will make you cry or perhaps shake your fists of fury.
Wow...this celery situation is worse than I thought. And the kicker is--celery isn't even tasty.
Yes, and they are trying to keep all this hidden... a SECRET AGENDA if you will. Get the word out!
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